Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Catacombs of Paris 17

The Catacombs are among the 14 City of Paris Museums managed by Paris Musées since January 1, 2013. The catacombs are formally known as l'Ossuaire Municipal or Catacombes officiels and have been called "The World's Largest Grave" due the number of individuals buried.[2] Although the ossuary covers only a small section of the underground "les carrières de Paris" ("the quarries of Paris"), Parisians today often refer to the entire tunnel network as "the catacombs".

The five things that I can see
-Bones= os
-A large network of tunnels=un grand réseau de tunnels
-very low ceilings =plafonds très bas

Buckwheat Crêpes

Buckwheat Crêpes

Eclair au chocolat

Eclair au chocolat

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